About us


CUPE 4222 Executive

Mary Henry
Office: 519-453-4222
Cell: 519-280-3386

Vice President
Doug Morrison
Cell: 519-280-5844

Chief Steward
David Bettencourt
Office: 519-453-4222
Cell: 519-636-1878

Recording Secretary
Jessica Downie
Office: 519-453-4222

Unit A Vice-President
Chris Dean
Cell: 519-280-6614

Unit B Vice-President
Sharon Wallace
Cell: 519-280-4734

Unit D Vice-President
Marcy Hall
Cell: 519-494-0292

Financial Officer
Amanda Goudge (Acting)
Office: 519-453-4222

Membership Officer
Deb LeClair
Office: 519-453-4222


Unit A (Custodial, Maintenance, Trades & IT)

Rebecca Berdan Unit A Lead Steward 519-453-4222 519-200-9888 unitaleadcupe4222@gmail.com
Dave Bettencourt Chief Steward 519-453-4222 519-636-1878 chiefstewardcupe4222@gmail.com

Unit B (Clerical Staff)

Michelle Milonas (Acting) Unit B Lead Steward 519-453-4222 519-200-7130 unitbleadcupe4222@gmail.com
Dave Bettencourt Chief Steward 519-453-4222 519-636-1878 chiefstewardcupe4222@gmail.com

Unit D (FDK ECEs & CNC Workers)

Marcy Hall Unit D Lead Steward 519-453-4222 519-494-0292 unitdleadcupe4222@gmail.com
Dave Bettencourt Chief Steward 519-453-4222 519-636-1878 chiefstewardcupe4222@gmail.com

Committees 2023-2025


Trustees – Debra LeClair, Liz Webster, Wendy Tunks

Our history

We are a composite local comprised of three units representing Custodial, Maintenance, Information Technologists, Printers, Technicians, Warehouse, Office and Clerical and ECE’s in CNC and FDK programs.

We provide support services for the Thames Valley District School Board which covers over 7,000 square kilometres in the heart of Southwestern Ontario.

Bill “104”

With the passing of the Ontario Government’s Bill 104 “The Fewer School Board Act 1997″, the Boards of Education for Elgin County, Middlesex County, Oxford County, and the City of London were amalgamated to form the Thames Valley District School Board on January 01, 1998.

Before Amalgamation

Prior to amalgamation, nine CUPE Locals functioned independently within the City of London and the three counties. In August 1997 joint meetings commenced, in anticipation of merging the nine individual locals into one large local.

By October of that year CUPE Locals 332 and 1791 in Elgin, Locals 190, 982, and 1150 in London, Locals 1753 and 1170 in Middlesex, along with Locals 3581 and 1495 in Oxford voted in favour of a merger.  An Interim Executive and By-law committee were promptly elected. CUPE 4222’s charter was granted officially in December 1997.

In 1998 CUPE 4222 grew to eleven merged locals through representation votes held by CEP and OSSTF.

Merger Agreement

Until the signing of our first Collective Agreements, the nine merging CUPE locals operated under a Merger Agreement. This agreement laid out the process in which we would form a new local and under what terms and conditions we would operate as a composite local.

First Contract

In October 1998 CUPE 4222 elected its first Negotiating Committee. Which of the eleven collective agreements would we use as a foundation for our new contract? The decision was not an easy one as all of the agreements contained excellent language, but in the end it was agreed that the contracts from the former locals of 190, 982 and 1150 would form the basis of our new agreement.

Finally in 2000 all three CUPE Units ratified their new collective agreements. In succession, CUPE 4222 negotiated several other Collective Agreements with our employer over the years, gaining strength based on grievances which had been filed and won by the union.

New Unit

In 2004 our smallest unit was formed, representing Child Minders who provide care and guidance for children whose parents are enrolled in the LINC programs. A small group of just five members has now grown to include the Early Childhood Educators. With the arrival of the Early Learning Program in TVDSB in September 2010, the ECEs who work with these new students also join our Unit D.

Transfer of Jurisdiction

March 2009 saw one of the biggest changes in our local: the successful transfer of jurisdiction of Unit C and all of its members into their own CUPE Local. With the assistance of the executive and National, this transfer was handled fairly smoothly and now CUPE 7575 is operating as its own local.

Today CUPE 4222 represents nearly 2,000 members who maintain a safe, healthy learning environment and provide support services needed to ensure a caring learning community for every student.


CUPE 4222 is proud to be part of the broader labour movement, working together to improve the quality of life for all workers.

We are affiliated with:

Equality Statement





Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us grow as a union.

Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.

CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality. Members, staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality and respect.

Click Here for a Copy of the CUPE Equality Statement